
Friday, June 27

Small Business Marketing 5 Great Ways to Get Referrals 

1. Rewards programs. Give prizes/discounts/points for every referral. Points are nice since you can encourage multiple references and allow people to redeem points for free or discounted services with you, building repeat customers.

2. Useful info. Provide a newsletter filled with fun, funny, useful information (NOT corporate bumpf or sales pitches) and encourage customers to share it with friends and colleagues. Of course, you will have a single, effective sales/discount/introductory pitch in the newsletter.

3. Discount coupons. Give each customer three coupons, with their name/ID# on them (so they can't redeem the coupons themselves). The coupons will give new customers a discount on your services, so the existing customer is doing a nice favour for their colleagues or clients by giving these out.

4. Ask. You'd be amazed how willing happy clients are to refer you to other people. It should be part of your standard closing with happy clients to request that they let others know about their good experience.

5. Make it easy. Give clients the URL of that discussion board about your industry where people post about their experiences. Provide postage-paid postcards they can sign and drop in the mail to friends. Send them a well-designed e-mail outlining their savings/value that they can simply forward to people they think might be interested.

There. That's five. Do I get a cookie? How about a referral? <Grin>.

-- David

Rescue your small business from the failing economy... 

REMINDER: Business Rescue - 5-part Teleseminar Series begins July 1:


Listen in on two detailed interviews I did with my friends Kirstin and Tom Carey about rescuing your...

1. FINANCES So You Can Sleep at Night

2. MARKETING with a Plan that Works for You

3. INCOME by Generating Business Quickly

4. SALES through Easy Sales Techniques

5. BUSINESS & LIFE by Balancing it All Out

(Right-click these links and use "Save As..."):
Part 1: http://davidnewman.typepad.com/busrescue1_interview.mp3

Part 2: http://davidnewman.typepad.com/bus-rescue2.mp3

Business Owners: Do you want "more"? 

When an archer is shooting for nothing, he has all his skills. If he shoots for a brass buckle, he is already nervous... He thinks more of winning than of shooting. And the need to win drains him of power.
-- Marsha Sinetar

If you do what you love, you will do it more often, you will improve your skills, and you will grow into the person you want to be. Being is more important than having.

Before worrying about having more, you must first be more and do more. Having more will naturally follow.



Thursday, June 26

Small business marketing: the power of ego 

Anyone doing deals must have the basic prerequisites of intelligence, instinct and savvy, but in my case, I willingly add ego. 
-- Donald Trump

To have ego means to believe in your own strength. So, yes, my ego is big. My ego is responsible for my doing what I do. 
-- Barbra Streisand

Often, people complain of someone else having a big ego. The real complaint, I think, is that the person in question has a bad ego, not a big one.

The dictionary tells us that ego is "the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality."

By this definition, perhaps people in business need more ego, not less!

Other aspects to the definition include "appropriate pride in oneself" and also consciousness of your own identity."

These factors are critical to success in business - and in life! Dr. Michael Ray from Stanford Business School believes that the two central questions that businesspeople should answer to unlock their highest potential are "Who is my Self?" and "What is my Work?"

Looking at the definitions above, it would seem that a healthy (and big) ego is a critical tool in uncovering the answers to those two questions.

Friday, June 13

Feeling vs. Thinking: The great debate... 

All great discoveries are made by men whose feelings run ahead of their thinking.
-- C. H. Parkhurst

Feeling vs. Thinking. The great debate. Well, did you know that in recent years, researchers have found that feeling often wins?

In other words, decision-making, in both personal and business contexts, relies more and more on intuition and emotion than on intellectual analysis and looking at hard data. And we're talking about GOOD decisions that led to the RIGHT outcomes, sometimes even in the face of great uncertainty and risk.

Not sure if all this talk about intuition is worth taking seriously? A Harvard Business Review article, "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" (September-October, 2000) maintains
that besides vision and energy, inspirational leaders share four other qualities:

* They selectively show their weaknesses. By exposing some vulnerability, they reveal their approachability and humanity.

* They rely heavily on intuition to gauge the appropriate timing and course of their actions. Their intuitive ability helps them know just when and how to act.

* They manage employees with something we call tough empathy. Inspirational leaders empathize passionately - and realistically - with people, and they care intensely about the work employees do.

* They reveal their differences. They capitalize on what's unique about themselves.

Monday, June 9

Small Business Marketing How to Revive Your Small Business Now... 

Experts predict that the crashing economy will continue to get worse and may not bounce back for 3 years or more!

Want a heads-up on what you can do NOW to jumpstart your small business?

Here is a 43-minute audio program you can listen to right now to find out what you can do to turn things around FAST... it's 40MB+ so give it a little time to download - you'll be glad you did...


If you're already feeling the effects of the economic downturn and found that your businesses has slowed (or even stopped!), there's no reason to shut your doors, give up, or...
(gulp!) get a J-O-B...


This five-part teleseminar series will help you breathe life back into your business. Business Growth Expert Kirstin Carey and Financial Expert, Tom Carey have joined forces to create this amazing program just for business owners like you...

These veteran business owners know exactly what you go through every day as the owner of a small business - they own five different businesses themselves! So you get the real-life stuff you need from marketing and sales to finances and life balance – from people who understand...

Join this program series and RESCUE YOUR...
1. FINANCES So You Can Sleep at Night
2. MARKETING with a Plan that Works for You
3. INCOME by Generating Business Quickly
4. SALES through Easy Sales Techniques
5. BUSINESS & LIFE by Balancing it All Out

Listen in to this meaty interview I did with Tom and Kirstin last week to get some great tips right NOW...


Rediscover the joy of business 

No man, who continues to add something to the material, intellectual and moral well-being of the place in which helives, is left long without proper reward.
-- Booker T. Washington

One who does not add, subtracts.
-- Rabbi Hillel

In today's business environment, we have organizational structures that not only permit, but rely on the individual seeking ways to contribute to the success of their enterprise.

One of your top priorities should be finding the intersection of that which you are highly capable of contributing and that which you are committed and passionate about contributing.

There have been many books written in the last 10 years about the "soul" of business or the "heart" of business. In reality, businesses have no soul. Businesses have no heart. It's the people - people like YOU - who have hearts and souls.

And the bottom line success of most business endeavors is in direct proportion to the extent that people's hearts and souls are in alignment with their work.

That's the key to rediscovering the joy of business.

Have a great day!
Marketing expert speaker David Newman
Tel: 610.716.5984

Thursday, June 5

Small Business Marketing Expand your targets for free 

From the excellent IMC Consultants Tips newsletter that just came in this morning:
Q: With the skills and experience I have, there are probably several other industries I could target for my consulting practice. What's a relatively easy way to scope out these industries?
A: There are the usual suspects: team with another consultant, go to seminars, attend industry trade shows or conferences, etc. These are one-shot opportunities and have some value. However, they do not provide insight into the full range of culture, operations, and trends of an industry.
Consider immersing yourself in several candidate industries by reading journals of that industry or technical specialization. At this point, you are thinking, "I barely have time to read my Daily Tips, much less subscribe to a bunch of journals."
I am not suggesting you devote a lot of time to each industry. However, consider this a marketing investment - there are more difficult and expensive ways to familiarize yourself with an industry than reading about key players, technology, finance, vendors, trends, customers, best practices and opportunities for improvements.
Tip: Subscribe - for free - to several industry journals at www.tradepub.com and  www.freebizmag.com. You can receive weekly or monthly journals in IT, education, supply chain, healthcare, strategy, procurement and others. The selection of available magazines depends on your stated profile (industry, position) so describe yourself carefully.
Have a great day!
Marketing expert speaker David Newman
Tel: 610.716.5984

Sunday, June 1

Philadelphia motivational speaker David Newman 

Personal marketing strategy: Charm 

"You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer 'Yes' without having asked any clear question. "
-- Albert Camus

A lot of people bristle at the notion that charm is a key business tool.

I think a lot of that bristling comes from the misconception that some people are simply born with charm, while others are not, and there's not a whole lot you can do if you're in that second group.

This is simply not true.

Another misconception is that for the charm-challenged to make any effort to be more charming or more personable would require them to be phony or at best, not be their
genuine selves. False again.

There are several books, the best of which I've found to be How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less by Nicholas Boothman, that provide some great tools with which to make genuine connections with people, and to build your own personal set of charm-skills to apply to almost any business or social situation.

Let's face it: people are buying YOU before they buy anything you have to sell, say, or do.

Question: Given the choice of boosting either your charm or your intellect by 50%, which would you choose?


Does the business world need more smart people or more charming people?

Haven't we gotten in trouble from people being (or thinking they were) too smart at companies like Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and the like?

Tip: Charm, like intelligence or any other personality strength, can be used for good or for evil. It's totally up to you.

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