
Friday, January 28

The brilliance in the room - Fast Company style 

Well, the Company of Friends presentation came and went. WOW. That's all I can say.

I told several close friends that this would either be the most brilliant I've ever been, or the most utterly moronic. Fortunately, the former scenario seems to be the verdict of most audience members and my gracious host, Valeria Maltoni, the Superwoman of Philly CoF.

The thing that struck me this morning is that it wasn't ME being brilliant (Duh!) When you bounce your ideas off the brilliance in the room, you're sure to look good in the reflected light. That is exactly what happened last night. It was a truly collaborative experience. Check out whose ideas were on magnificent display:

Gerry Lantz, my dear good friend and introducer:

Barb Bosha, designer extraordinaire:

Ford Myers, Career consultant to the stars (including me, by the way!!)

Lisa Kramer, Coaching mastery guru (the coach for coaches) and business success partnership co-creator:

Colleen Bracken, SuperAchiever coach and business success partnership co-creator:

Jacques Werth, the man behind "High Probability® Selling"

Bret Rigby, brand leadership and organizational management guru - hire this man!!

Matthew Zinman, a guy who knows a bit about marketing communications, strategy, and PR

Susan Race, PCC, author, speaker, coach, super-connector (and person who brought the most friends!)

Robert Knowlton, Certified Business Coach and CoF February speaker

That's just a small sampling of the 54 people whose ideas, inspiration, and input before and during the session made last night a fabulous experience.

[Hmmm, I should have charged $9,000 for that speech. Ah, well... next time.]

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